Zoe Kravitz Collab With Apryl Miller Studio by apryl miller

Earlier in the year, I had a photo shoot here at my studio, with Zoe Kravitz. None other than the ravishing offspring of Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet. It was for the UK based fashion company ASOS. She was featured both in their online and hard cover publications. Styling by Zeba Lowe and photographed by Ben Sullivan. I bring you the terminally hip Zoe Kravitz, dancing and being interviewed in my living room. 

Open Engagement: Are You Your Work? by apryl miller

This weekend, May 16, 17, and 18 marks the 3rd year of Open Engagement, an international conference on art and social practice. The focus is on expanding the dialogue around socially engaged art making. I have house guests, Lisa Ciccarello and Steve Leathers who are involved in a project during the conference, Are You Your Work?

To participate, write a micro essay of 130 characters. Be part of the conversation.

To participate, write a micro essay of 130 characters. Be part of the conversation.

HGTV's Home Strange Home with Apryl Miller by apryl miller

Here's my latest TV appearance, in which host Chuck Nice declares, "Apryl, you're a strong, beautiful, woman of color!" I kid you not!

A walk through my fanciful living installation with co-conspirator Chuck Nice. The space is described by Salon.com as "one of the most immersive, vibrant, and habitable art installations in the city." During our talk, I explain to Chuck the genesis of all my artwork. We had a nice time.